Monday, October 3, 2011

New Forums Launched - Be part of our community!

We have launched a new Forums section on our website at:

IMPORTANT: You can use your existing operator username and password to log in to the forums, you DON'T HAVE TO REGISTER.

If you want to introduce yourself to others, or just have a discussion with other operators, you can start using the new forums now.
You can also leave feedbacks, post case studies and get help from our team and hopefully from other operators as well.

With this new addition you can now reach us the following ways:

- Over the phone or on Skype on weekdays during business hours
- Live chat on weekdays during business hours
- Open a New Help Desk ticket (24/7)
- Hotspot System Wi-Fi Hotspot Forums
- Hotspot System on Twitter
- Hotspot System on Facebook
- Hotspot System Blog