You can now run remote commands on any DD-WRT/HotspotWRT/CoovaAP routers through the Control Center.
- Your routers must send life signals in every hour which are recorded in the Control Center (Router Alert function) properly.
- If you have installed your router before 1st of April, 2010, then you need to execute a patch or re-setup your router. You also need this patch if you have installed dd-wrt through the built-in hotspotsystem setup (latest pre-SP2 firmwares).
Why is this good for you?
Because you can remotely reboot or change settings on your router without having to go to the router's admin interface!
You can run any commands, but we have pre-set some important functions for you, like:
- Reboot
- Change SSID
- Change TX Power
- Change DNS
- Add/Remove one Host/IP to the WhiteList
- Add/Remove a Domain and its Subdomains to the WhiteList (HotspotWRT/Coova only)
- Display Login Box on Main Splash Page (Combined Splash/Login page)
These are just preconfigured example commands, but you can use any command you wish (for example you can play with iptables)
How does it work?
When the router sends a life signal (in every hour), it will execute the commands you recorded. This means you may have to wait 1 hour for the command to be executed. You can record multiple commands, all will be executed at once.
Where can I execute a command?
In the Control Center, go to Manage > Locations > Click on location > scroll at the bottom. Choose a command or create your own and choose the mac address of the router, then press submit.
Enjoy :)